I have a question on your mind
Why should adults be allowed to use profanity to the children, when no children are allowed uses this to adults? It's probably a question I will never get a real answer to: (I do not know what I want to do anymore. Die, perhaps live, leave all my friends, maybe not. Do not know what I want to do anymore. Do not know what to take me to: O Why just me, it can not be someone else? :(
I love Justin Bieber more than I love my family, I said to mum anyway, and I do not think anyone will understand how I have it but the love for a celebrity who will never be answered. No one will believe how I have it at all: (But you should not feel sorry for me, for it is not. I feel good in the mess, the only thing I want to change, it's probably just less music in the house, for I is so damn excuse me, but is so damn tired of being so incredibly ill-mannered with Mom and Affe when I get to them: (Oh well, now I'll try to sleep:) There will come an incredible quiet week ahead of me now:)
Are Available Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even Monday:) Hope it will be calmer now, next time I come to mom and Affe:) I just want away from here. Want to escape and feel what the others who live on the street has it .....
It was probably all I asked for: (<3 Varför ska vuxna tillåtas att använda svordomar till barnen, när inga barn är tillåtna använder denna för att vuxna? Det är nog en fråga jag kommer aldrig att få ett riktigt svar på: (Jag vet inte vad jag vill göra längre Die, kanske bor, lämna alla mina vänner, kanske inte Vet inte vad jag vill göra längre inte... veta vad man ska ta mig till: O Varför bara mig, kan det inte vara någon annan? :(
I love Justin Bieber more than I love my family, I said to mum anyway, and I do not think anyone will understand how I have it but the love for a celebrity who will never be answered. No one will believe how I have it at all: (But you should not feel sorry for me, for it is not. I feel good in the mess, the only thing I want to change, it's probably just less music in the house, for I is so damn excuse me, but is so damn tired of being so incredibly ill-mannered with Mom and Affe when I get to them: (Oh well, now I'll try to sleep:) There will come an incredible quiet week ahead of me now:)
Are Available Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday and even Monday:) Hope it will be calmer now, next time I come to mom and Affe:) I just want away from here. Want to escape and feel what the others who live on the street has it .....
It was probably all I asked for: (<3 Varför ska vuxna tillåtas att använda svordomar till barnen, när inga barn är tillåtna använder denna för att vuxna? Det är nog en fråga jag kommer aldrig att få ett riktigt svar på: (Jag vet inte vad jag vill göra längre Die, kanske bor, lämna alla mina vänner, kanske inte Vet inte vad jag vill göra längre inte... veta vad man ska ta mig till: O Varför bara mig, kan det inte vara någon annan? :(